What a great time we had this past week! Our Project Reach team fired up again to serve for the first time in 2012 at the Golden Corner Food Pantry in Seneca. Boy did they need it! According the the pantry director Richard Kulper, we arrived just in time, because the pantry was way behind on getting food prepared for the many families who get food monthly from GCFP. Last month, over 1300 families were provided for, which was a new record. Incredible isn't it? God is using this ministry to care for so many families in need.
I don't know how many boxes of food were prepared in the hours we were there, but it probably was at least a few hundred. In addition, meat bags with several different types of frozen meat were also prepared for senior citizens.
As the team flew through the stock on the shelves and freezers while filling boxes and meat bags, we re-filled a lot of the rows, so that the next team would be ready to go. There are stacks and stacks of food and drink supplies neatly placed on pallets and in the freezer. Golden Corner Food Pantry is very organized and clean.
This facility is designed to crank out the food with rolling racks, large freezers, wheeled conveyor systems, and high shelves! I remember the previous building was nothing like this, and having all this sort of automation and space makes the ministry able to keep up with demand...as long as there are volunteers that is!
It is truly amazing how God provides so much food for the pantry to give to people; and it is a great blessing to partner with them in ministry! Our plans are to serve with them each month in 2012, generally on a Tuesday or a Thursday from 1-3pm and some special Saturday events. If you attend Foothills Community Church, and would like to serve on this Project Reach ministry team, please contact Pastor Bill at Foothills Community Church 864-888-8008, or by email at billswindle@foothills.cc.